Cesar Deliciously Fresh Favourites in Jelly Wet Dog Food Pouches - 12 x 100g By Cesar
Weight: 1.25kg
These tasty luxury dog food recipes in jelly with Beef & Vegetables and Chicken & Carrots are available in convenient pouches: Cesar packets of high quality dog food are the perfect format for succulent wholesome meals. Served on their own or on top of his dry food, Cesar wet dog food pouches will turn mealtimes into moments of joy for him... and for you. Multipack selections in jelly of 4 or 12 available in both chicken dog food and beef dog food varieties.
Fresh, moist portions of wet food for dogs; depend on Cesar- a balanced dog food in jelly. Cesar luxury wet dog food pouches are high quality recipes made with carefully selected ingredients. Handy single pouches of succulent, mouth watering meals are moments of joy for him and for you. Delicious Cesar meal and jelly dog food pouches contain no added sugar or artificial flavours.
Box Contents
Ingredients - with chicken and carrots
Meat and Animal Derivatives (44%, of which 92% natural*, including 4% Chicken)
Vegetables (including 0.5% Dried Carrots, equivalent to 4% Carrots)
Derivatives of Vegetable Origin
*Natural ingredients
Ingredients - with beef and vegetables
Meat and Animal Derivatives (44%, of which 92% natural*, including 4% Beef)
Vegetables (including 0.8% Dried Pea and Carrot Mix, equivalent to 4% Pea and Carrot Mix)
Derivatives of Vegetable Origin
*Natural ingredients
Fresh, moist portions of wet food for dogs; depend on Cesar- a balanced dog food in jelly. Cesar luxury wet dog food pouches are high quality recipes made with carefully selected ingredients. Handy single pouches of succulent, mouth watering meals are moments of joy for him and for you. Delicious Cesar meal and jelly dog food pouches contain no added sugar or artificial flavours.
Box Contents
- x6 with Chicken & Carrots
- x6 with Beef & Vegetables
Ingredients - with chicken and carrots
Meat and Animal Derivatives (44%, of which 92% natural*, including 4% Chicken)
Vegetables (including 0.5% Dried Carrots, equivalent to 4% Carrots)
Derivatives of Vegetable Origin
*Natural ingredients
Ingredients - with beef and vegetables
Meat and Animal Derivatives (44%, of which 92% natural*, including 4% Beef)
Vegetables (including 0.8% Dried Pea and Carrot Mix, equivalent to 4% Pea and Carrot Mix)
Derivatives of Vegetable Origin
*Natural ingredients