Harrington's Grain Free Superfoods Salmon Dry Dog Food - 12kg - new recipe By Harringtons
Weight: 12kg
This superfoods grain free dry dog food is nutritionally balanced and bowl-lickingly tasty. Perfect for dogs with sensitive tums, it’s easily digestible, hypoallergenic and made with freshly prepared ingredients.
Everything your dog needs for a happy and healthy life. No nasties, no surprises. Just natural goodness for all.
• This superfoods grain free dry dog food is hypoallergenic and specially balanced for pooches with sensitive tums, containing no grain, soya, dairy, egg, beef, or pork*.
• Our recipe includes freshly prepared meat ingredients as a great source of natural protein for energy, growth & repair and meat ingredients come #1 in our recipe.
• We've added a delicious homemade chicken gravy to both the inside & outside of our kibble to make our recipe even tastier!
• Additional benefits from ingredients such as beet pulp & chicory to help promote a healthy digestive system, seaweed to support oral hygiene & provide a natural source of vitamins, minerals & trace elements and omega 6 & 3 oils to support a healthy immune system and maintain your dog’s glossy coat.
• From the UK's first carbon negative pet food company.
*Recipe without grain but is processed on a line that handles grain
30% Salmon & Chicken (including, Dried Salmon 24%*, Salmon Oil 2%, min 4% Freshly Prepared Chicken Gravy)
Sweet Potato (26%)
Beans (8%)
Linseed (4%)
Beet Pulp (3%)
Rapeseed Oil
Superfood Botanical Blend: Rosemary, Spinach, Pomegranate & Blueberries (1500mg/kg), FOS (1000mg/kg), Yeasts (1000mg/kg), Seaweed (1000mg/kg)
Feeding Guide
3-10kg > 70-175g per day
10-20kg > 175-300g per day
20-40kg > 300-500g per day
40kg > 500g+ per day
Ratings & Reviews
6 reviews
by Craig -
Great price from Vetshop and a subscription set up so I don’t have to think about it, I do the same with my flea and dog worming medication as I’m terrible for forgetting lightens the load on my busy days hopefully the food subscriptions will go well had terrible trouble with an online company we all use let down most months or bags split even contaminated food with clothes conditioner, thankfully nothing like that with Vetshop thank you so much for making it easy for me keep it up
First time buy
by BJ -
Very happy with delivery and product. Excellent service. Thank you
by Emma -
My dog loves Harrington’s Grain Free food and so does his very sensitive digestive system.
by Julie -
Good value against super market prices
Harrington’s grain free every day
by Shelly2 -
My two Airedale terriers love Harringtons grain free salmon.They thrive on it. Digested easily , coats look and feel healthy
by Irene Brown -
Great dog food. Really impressed with the price and fast delivery. Product arrived safely and my rescue huskies are over the moon.